Ads & Reservations

The Annual Dinner brings together over 1,000 North Shore Hebrew Academy community members to celebrate our school's mission. Now more than ever, we passionately embrace our responsibility to instill in our children a love of Israel, pride in their Jewish identities and a sense of achrayut, responsibility, to share their Torah values with the world.  Since October 7th, our curriculum and programming has focused on mobilizing to support our brothers, sisters and IDF soldiers in Israel while preparing our students for a world rife with rising anti-semitism.  Funds raised for our Annual Dinner Celebration support our academics and programs and allow NSHA to provide an outstanding Jewish education to all of our students.  We ask that you give generously to support our mission for your children, grandchildren and community.

If you have any questions, please contact our Executive Director,  Laura Cohen '85, at or 516-487-8687 ext 133.

* Required

Personal Information

Alumni Information

If you are an alumni, please enter the graduation year(s) for you and your spouse/other.

Alumni #1
Alumni #2

2024 Annual Dinner Celebration Registration and Sponsorship

Are you a current NSHA parent?*

Sponsor Levels for NSHA Parents

Would you like to make an additional donation to NSHA?


Please note parents in grades 1-12 have already pledged $1,250 through the annual Family Assessment.  Parents whose oldest children are in Early Childhood - please select from one of the two Early Childhood categories.

Sponsor Levels for Non-NSHA Parents


Limit 40 words. Remaining words:

Number Attending*

My Participation in this year's Annual Dinner Celebration is in Honor of:


Total Amount

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